kleren van kunstenaars

‘Who is art for? And who is excluded? ‘I grew up a 45-minute train ride from New York,’ Perry [kunstenares Sondra Perry, M.K.] said. ‘I never went to galleries, I never went to museums until I started going to art school. It was a discomfort. I didn’t know what that world was. I couldn’t imagine going in with my ill-fitting jeans and ill-fitting bra, and just a T-shirt and a dusty-ass sweater that had holes in it and going into a gallery in Chelsea?’ She was talking of the neighbourhood in New York that’s home to the most monied commercial galleries. ‘This world revolves so much around class and money and status and access.’

    By contrast, Perry has her work available to view for free on her website.’

Charlie Porter, What Artists Wear (2021;p.314-315).

Een leuk, warm, meeslepend, zij het soms ook wat al te modieus journalistiek modieus/journalistiek/politiek/gemakzuchtig/hagiografisch/eenduidig* boek. Het belandde op mijn nachtkastje dankzij een enthousiaste boekhandelaarsbespreking op de website van de hoofdstedelijke (keten)boekhandel Athenaeum


Doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is/Omcirkel wat je van toepassing acht.